
Entries will continue to be accepted until July 22. On-site registrations will be accepted.

Sport Info



Saturday, July 26, 2025


Lange Middle School
2201 Smiley Ln
Columbia, MO 65202


$25 for Bench Press only, $30 for Powerlifting. Entering the Powerlifting competition will also make you eligible for a Bench Press medal.

$30 / $35 for entries after July 1 and onsite.


Weigh-ins will be held from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. - NO EXCEPTIONS. Competition will begin at 10:00 a.m.


Pre-registered entries must be postmarked or received via the internet no later than July 22.  On-site registration will be allowed on the day of the event for an additional $5 charge.


Joe Garcia
Cell: (573) 289-3921


Register Online: Show-Me State Games Online Registration - Powerlifting


Register by Mail:  To enter by mail, please complete a Show-Me State Games entry form and mail it along with payment to:

Show-Me State Games
1400 Rock Quarry Rd, Entrance 5
Columbia, MO 65211


  • Competitors age is determined by his/her age on the day of competition.
  • Basic AAUPC rules and regulations will be followed. We have some differences. See the "Rules" section below.
  • Lifters must supply their own belts.
  • Uniforms may be any neat, properly fitting one- or two-piece lifting suit. Shirts and t-shirts are allowed.
  • Bench and deadlift shirts/suits are NOT allowed.
  • All lifters MUST wear shoes.
  • The following weight classes will be used within each age group. The class you will be in is determined by the minimums and maximums listed below:
Minimum Maximum Class
No Min 114.5 114
114.51 123.5 123
123.51 132.25 132
132.26 148.75 148
148.76 165.25 165
165.26 181.75 181
181.76 198.25 198
198.26 220.25 220
220.26 242.50 242
242.51 275.50 275
275.51 No Max Hwt
  • Powerlifting competition will use standard powerlifting format featuring bench and dead lift.
  • Any competitor in both powerlifting and the bench press will be allowed a maximum of three attempts in the bench.
  • There will be divisions for junior, seniors and masters.
  • Medals will be awarded based on best total weight by weight class.

No bench shirts, deadlift suits, wrist, elbow or knee wraps allowed, nor baby/talcum powder. 4” diameter belts are allowed. T-Shirts and shorts allowed, shoes required.
  1. Take the bar off the racks, either by yourself, or with spotters, at arm’s length, NOT to the chest.
  2. Lower the bar until it is resting upon your chest. Wait for the Press command. The bar MUST be motionless on the chest prior to the Press command, so there will be a pause.
  3. At the Press command, press the weight upward. At the top, wait for the Rack command.
  4. At the Rack command, return the bar to the rack, either by yourself or with spotters.
  5. False grip not allowed.
  6. Two commands, Press and Rack
  7. Heels may be on floor or raised. Feet must remain in contact with floor. No sideward, or twisting motion allowed.
Bench Failures:
  1. Pressing before the Press Command.
  2. Raising your butt off the bench.
  3. Moving your feet during the press. Up and down in the same spot is allowed.
  4. Riding the bar up the bench uprights.
  5. “Your” spotter taking the bar before the Rack Command.
  6. Returning the bar to the rack, prior to the Rack Command.
  7. Any lowering of the bar after the Press Command.
  8. Uneven lockout.
  1. Pick up the bar on your own. The bar must be in front of the lifter at the start and end of the lift. Use either overhand or reverse grip.
  2. Come erect with shoulders and legs straight.
  3. At the Down Command, lower the weight to the floor.
  4. One Command - Down
Deadlift Failures:
  1. Moving your feet during the lift. Up and down in the same spot is allowed.
  2. Lowering the weight prior to the Down Command.
  3. Dropping the weight.
  4. Not coming erect with legs straight.
  5. Using the legs as a ledge to rest or raise the weight.
  6. Hitching the weight.

Event Codes

Event Code Event Name
PL521Bench Press only


Bench Press Cls Place Result Name
F 14-16 198 1 150 Jayda Stephan
F 17-19 275 1 225 Zoey Bliss
F 20-39 148 1 165 Martha Hagston
148 2 125 Crystal Hafner
165 1 145 Agda Bocato
198 1 145 Rachel Sappington
242 1 200 Ashley White
275 1 170 Missa Hollandsworth
F 40-44 198 1 130 Chantel Walker
220 1 165 Ann Weber
F 45-49 220 1 125 Kesta Smith
Hvt 1 210 Tara Kopp
F 50-54 148 1 90 Stacy Richmond
Hvt 1 205 Amy Lee
F 55-59 220 1 140 Debbie Rossian
F 60-64 275 1 75 Kim Dickerson
F 70-74 165 1 70 Terry Douglass
F 75-79 181 1 75 Carol Bournstein
M 14-16 132 1 130 Isaac Roewe
132 2 95 Korbin Case
132 3 70 Aiden Donath
148 1 190 Cole Hazen
148 2 155 Tristan Miller
165 1 275 Brady Edwards
165 2 205 Dresden White-Hume
181 1 190 Donovan Zaccagnino
181 2 115 Ashton Barron
242 1 235 Donnie Ballenger
242 2 200 Gatlin Ogle
275 1 265 Landen Morrissey
M 17-19 181 1 205 Carson Roling
242 1 235 Kyle Fuhrman
275 1 235 Connor Duke
Hvt 1 300 Jayden Roling
Hvt 2 205 Parker Geniuk
M 20-39 165 1 240 Kurt Fuemmeler
165 2 205 Zach Rump
181 1 275 Trevor Ottman
181 2 265 Travis Luther
181 3 225 Garrett Nimmo
181 4 205 James Wright
198 1 305 Nicholas Morris
198 2 300 Merle Parrott
198 3 290 James Spradlin
220 1 425 Weston Bailey
220 2 320 Jordan Jeffries
220 3 285 Chris Crawford
220 4 255 Nik Ferri
275 1 365 Brent Matthews
Hvt 1 455 Otonye Jack
Hvt 2 335 Edgar Santiago
Hvt 3 335 DJ Stewart
Hvt 4 320 Dillon Mendez
Hvt - 0 Alex Schmidt
M 40-44 198 1 330 Wesley Wells
198 2 325 Chris Kuykendall
198 3 320 Abe Smith
220 1 385 Gerrit Fischer
220 2 340 James Huff
Hvt 1 425 Ryan Spire
Hvt 2 250 Kevin Ballenger
M 45-49 220 1 330 William Duke
275 1 275 Andy Miller
M 50-54 165 1 250 James Reed
242 1 375 Cary Calkins
M 55-59 148 1 210 Kenneth Light
165 1 285 Anchana Heng
165 2 270 Michael Jeffries
181 1 195 Dan Sabourin
242 1 335 Brad Tuck
242 2 235 James Foster
Hvt 1 405 Robert Glowacki
Hvt 2 305 Tom Farrar
M 60-64 181 1 280 Mark Vossmeyer
181 2 255 Joe Martin
181 3 150 Dave DeForest
198 1 170 Ronnie Clevenger
220 1 220 Evan Davis
275 1 285 Steve Hazen
M 65-69 165 1 200 Stephen Talasso
165 2 185 Steve Terry
198 1 250 David Davis
198 - 0 Mike Flood
Hvt 1 220 Bill Duncan
M 70-74 148 1 170 Mike Tysdal
148 2 105 Jack Uhrig
M 75-79 181 1 130 Joe Caron
198 1 210 Glenn Bournstein
M 80-84 220 1 95 Cary Rohr
Powerlifting Cls Place Result Name
F 14-16 198 1 400 Jayda Stephan
F 17-19 275 1 605 Zoey Bliss
148 1 500 Martha Hagston
148 2 390 Crystal Hafner
198 1 395 Rachel Sappington
242 1 555 Ashley White
275 1 560 Missa Hollandsworth
F 40-44 198 1 405 Chantel Walker
220 1 525 Ann Weber
F 45-49 220 2 380 Kesta Smith
Hvt 1 485 Tara Kopp
F 50-54 148 1 270 Stacy Richmond
Hvt 1 555 Amy Lee
F 60-64 275 1 225 Kim Dickerson
F 70-74 165 1 210 Terry Douglass
F 75-79 181 1 215 Carol Bournstein
M 14-17 132 1 335 Isaac Roewe
132 2 325 Korbin Case
148 1 440 Tristan Miller
165 1 680 Brady Edwards
165 2 505 Dresden White-Hume
181 1 585 Donovan Zaccagnino
181 2 365 Ashton Barron
242 1 615 Gatlin Ogle
242 2 560 Donnie Ballenger
275 1 740 Landen Morrissey
M 17-19 242 1 660 Kyle Fuhrman
275 1 610 Connor Duke
Hvt 1 975 Jayden Roling
Hvt 2 525 Parker Geniuk
M 20-39 165 1 605 Kurt Fuemmeler
165 2 555 Zach Rump
181 1 735 Travis Luther
181 2 725 Garrett Nimmo
181 3 610 James Wright
198 1 800 Merle Parrott
198 2 735 James Spradlin
220 1 790 Jordan Jeffries
220 2 735 Chris Crawford
220 3 665 Nik Ferri
275 1 920 Brent Matthews
Hvt 1 895 Edgar Santiago
Hvt 2 760 Dillon Mendez
M 40-44 198 1 780 Chris Kuykendall
198 2 755 Abe Smith
220 1 835 Gerrit Fischer
Hvt 1 925 Ryan Spire
Hvt 2 655 Kevin Ballenger
M 45-49 220 1 705 William Duke
275 1 700 Andy Miller
M 55-59 242 1 665 James Foster
Hvt 1 805 Tom Farrar
M 60-64 181 1 465 Dave DeForest
198 1 445 Ronnie Clevenger
220 1 640 Evan Davis
M 65-69 165 1 530 Steve Terry
Hvt 1 550 Bill Duncan
M 70-74 148 1 425 Mike Tysdal
148 2 230 Jack Uhrig
M 75-79 181 1 445 Joe Caron
198 1 485 Glenn Bournstein
M 80-84 220 1 230 Cary Rohr