
Entries will continue to be accepted until July 15. No on-site registrations will be accepted.

Sport Info



July 26, 2025
Adult Slow Pitch - B, C, D, E and Coed
Senior Slow Pitch (Over 50)


Rainbow Softball Center, 1615 Business Loop 70 W., Columbia, MO


Slow Pitch - $325 team fee by July 1. $350 after July 1 (space permitting).


Last possible day to register for adult slow pitch:  July 15


Prior to your first game, all teams will be required to check-in at the Rainbow Softball Center.  Check-in will begin Saturday at 7:00am. Please remember that you are required to check-in PRIOR to your first game.

It is highly recommended to give yourself plenty of time prior to your first game to register and get to your game on time. I would recommend that only the coach check-in. At registration, you will need the following:

  • Each player on the team will need a signed entry form / waiver if they have not already been mailed to our office.
  • Team Roster. If you have not submitted your roster to our office, this can be done when you check-in prior to you first game.  Rosters cannot be changed once the tournament begins. Any players with unsigned waivers will need to turn them in at this time.
  • Teams should have submitted a roster with your registration.  Any additions to your roster will be charged $5 per addition with no limit on the charges.


For more information, contact the Show-Me State Games at 573-882-2101.


Register Online: Show-Me State Games Online Registration - Softball


Register by Mail:  To enter by mail, please complete a Show-Me State Games entry form and mail it along with payment to:

Show-Me State Games
1400 Rock Quarry Rd, Entrance 5
Columbia, MO 65211


  • Teams must supply 2 softballs per game.  Teams will hit their own ball.  Balls will be sold at the Rainbow Concession stand as long as supplies last.
    • Fast Pitch - ball must be COR .47 / Compression 375.
    • Slow Pitch men - ball must be COR .52 / Compression 300.
    • Slow Pitch women - ball must be COR .52 / Compression 300.
  • Coed teams must supply 2 mens and 2 womens balls per game.
  • Competitors age is determined by their age on January 1 of the current year
  • Each team will be responsible for providing a scorekeeper.
  • Men’s slow pitch divisions may be combined if the number of teams registered warrants.
  • All teams will be guaranteed two games weather permitting.
  • Maximum roster size for fast pitch teams is 18 players, slow pitch roster limit is 20 players.
  • The softball tournaments will follow ASA rules and regulations with the exceptions listed below.
    • Men’s B/C division will be allowed a maximum of 5 home runs per game.
    • Men’s D division will be allowed a maximum of 3 home runs per game.
    • Men’s E division will not be allowed any home runs.
    • Co-Rec division will be allowed a maximum of 3 home runs per game.
  • Any home run hit above these limits will be counted as an out.
  • Slowpitch: any bat with a BPH of 1.20 or less with any certification stamp may be used. (Ultra or any Senior bats may NOT be used.)
  • A run-ahead rule will be used in all Show-Me STATE GAMES softball. The run rule is:
    • A five-inning/seven-run rule and three-inning/12-run rule will be used in fast pitch.
    • A five-inning/10-run rule and three-inning/15-run rule will be used in slow pitch.
  • Time limit of 70 minutes will be used in all fast pitch games and 60 minutes in all slow pitch games.
  • Tie breaker will be effective beginning in the 7th innings or time limit in all fast pitch games.
  • Fast Pitch - Weather permitting, there will be mandatory courtesy runners for catchers.  Courtesy runners will be players not currently in the lineup.
  • When teams choose to bat the roster, they may use a courtesy runner for both the pitcher and catcher.  This would be the player who was the last completed at bat not on base.  Should the player be on base, or the pitcher or catcher, we will back up a player until we find an appropriate runner.
  • NO metal cleats for 10U fast pitch, 12U fast pitch or slow pitch.  Metal cleats may be wore in the 14U, 16U and 18U fast pitch divisions.
  • Slow Pitch will use 1 and 1 count on all batters.
Special Notes for 10U Fast Pitch
  • Pitching distance 35 feet
  • 11 inch softball
  • 6 runs max per inning
  • Teams may bat their roster if they prefer.  Must be declared at the start of the game.
  • Batting helmets with chin straps
  • Runners may only steal one base at a time
  • Batters are not allowed to run on a dropped third strike.
  • No metal cleats
Special Notes for 12U Fast Pitch
  • Pitching distance 40 feet
  • Teams may bat their roster if they prefer.  Must be declared at the start of the game.
  • No metal cleats
Special Notes for 14U / 16U / 18U Fast Pitch
  • Pitching distance 43 feet
  • Teams may wear metal cleats

Weather Policy: Sports using outdoor sites are weather dependent. Competitions will be conducted unless Show-Me State Games officials determine weather conditions to be potentially dangerous or life threatenting, or if the playing fields would incur significant damage. NO refunds due to weather.

Event Codes

Event Code Event Name
SB001Slow Pitch - Men's B / C
SB002Slow Pitch - Men's D
SB003Slow Pitch - Men's E
SB004Slow Pitch - Women
SB006Slow Pitch - Coed
SB999Missouri State Senior Games - Softball