Shooting - Rifle and Pistol
Entries will continue to be accepted until July 14. On-site registrations will be accepted.
Thanks to our Sponsors
Sport Info
Friday, July 18, 2025
7:00 p.m. - Indoor .22 Marksmanship Challenge
Sunday, July 20, 2025
12:00 p.m. - Youth Small Bore Rifle
Friday, July 25, 2025
7:00 p.m. - Indoor Modified PPC
Ammo Alley Sporting Center, 11562 County Road 395, Hartsburg, MO 65039. North of Jefferson City off Hwy 63. (573) 634-6196
$30 per Adult, $22 per Youth. If you are entering an additional class, there will be a $10 fee for each additional class. (Note: These entry fees include your required range fee.)
Entries must be postmarked or received via the internet no later than July 15. PRE-REGISTRATION IS STRONGLY URGED but on-site registration will be allowed.
All shooters must check-in at their appropriate competition site at least 30 minutes prior to competition. All check-ins must occur on the day of the competition.
Doug Alley, (573) 634-6196
Register Online: Show-Me State Games Online Registration - Rifle and Pistol
Register by Mail: To enter by mail, please complete a Show-Me State Games entry form and mail it along with payment to:
Show-Me State Games
1400 Rock Quarry Rd, Entrance 5
Columbia, MO 65211
Match Format
Indoor .22 Marksmanship Challenge
- .22 cal. long rifle only. Production firearms only, handgun and rifle. Local range rules apply.
- Equipment divisions; Open sights and scoped (both handgun and rifle must match in the application of scoped and/or open sights)
- Match will consist of 80 rounds.
- Targets will consist of (2) single sheet with five 6 ½” targets with a 2 ½” bullseye. (One target sheet for handgun and one target sheet for rifle.)
- Course of fire: Participants will start with whichever firearm (handgun or rifle) they choose, addressing the starting target from a low ready position, at the audible signal will complete the course of fire indicated below.
- First string - Participant will fire 2 rounds at each bullseye, lay their empty firearm on the bench, move to the next station pickup the next firearm and fire 2 rounds at each bullseye, within a 30 second par time at a distance of 30 feet.
- Second string - Participant will fire 2 rounds at each bullseye, lay their empty firearm on the bench, move to the next station pickup the next firearm and fire 2 rounds at each bullseye, within a 40 second par time at a distance of 45 feet.
- Third string - Participant will fire 2 rounds at each bullseye, lay their empty firearm on the bench, move to the next station pickup the next firearm and fire 2 rounds at each bullseye, within a 50 second par time at a distance of 60 feet.
- Fourth string - Participant will fire 2 rounds at each bullseye, lay their empty firearm on the bench, move to the next station pickup the next firearm and fire 2 rounds at each bullseye, within a 60 second par time at a distance of 75 feet.
- Total rounds for each string is 20 rounds there will be sufficient time allotted between strings for reloading of magazines.
Modified Practical Pistol Competition
- All competitors in this event must be 18 years of older!
- 96 shots will be fired at various distances and times.
- Distances and times will be determined by local range. Local range rules will apply.
- This competition is for stock guns without compensators, ports, optical sights or lasers. No Race Guns.
- If 3 or more people with race guns attend, we will have an open class if time allows.
- Semi-auto pistols or revolvers may be used. Holster and mag / speed loader holders required. Competitors will draw from holster.
- Pistols must be caliber .380 or larger and in good repair. Dangerous firearms will be disqualified.
- A total of 3 magazines or speed loaders will be required.
String #1
9 ft. 21 ft. 45 ft. 75 ft. |
3.5 sec. 15 sec. 25 sec. 35 sec. |
Two rounds, holster, repeat 3 times Fire six rounds, reload, fire six more Fire six rounds, reload, fire six more Fire six, reload, fire six, reload, fire six |
48 rounds total (Virginian Count, 10x penalty for each round over 48 total rounds.
String #2
9 ft. 21 ft. 45 ft. 75 ft. |
2.5 sec. 12 sec. 20 sec. 25 sec. |
Two rounds, holster, repeat 3 times Fire six rounds, reload, fire six more Fire six rounds, reload, fire six more Fire six, reload, fire six, reload, fire six |
Youth Small Bore Rifle - Doug Alley, Match Director
Competitors will be divided into three groups (6-9, 10-15, 16-18) and two equipment divisions (open sights- including peep sights and scoped division). Immobilization jackets or shooting rests are prohibited. Within each respective age division, competitors will shoot at three NRA A-36 targets placing one round in each bullseye on the target sheet (12 bulls on a sheet), shooting from three shooting positions (standing, kneeling, prone). Scoring will be accumulative total of all three shooting positions. Age groups will fire at the following distances:
Ages 6-9 | open sights - 10 yards | scoped - 15 yards |
Ages 10-15 | open sights - 15 yards | scoped - 20 yards |
Ages 16-18 | open sights - 20 yards | scoped - 25 yards |
Other Rules
- Competitors age is determined by their age on July 1 of the current year.
- All shooters under age 18 MUST have adult supervision!!
- NRA, and/or local range rules will govern the pistol events.
- Range officer and match director may judge or appoint a panel to make decisions on rules or protests.
- Entrants will hang and change or set targets if required.
- Proper range discipline and safety rules will be observed at all times. Violators will be disqualified and dismissed from competition.
- Eye and ear protection is REQUIRED.
- Awards to be determined by Lewis scoring system.
Event Codes
Event Code | Event Name |
SH100 | Indoor .22 Marksmanship Challenge - Open Sights |
SH101 | Indoor .22 Marksmanship Challenge - Scoped Sights |
SH188 | Modified Practical Pistol Competition |
SH201 | Youth Small Bore Rifle - Open Sights |
SH202 | Youth Small Bore Rifle - Scoped Sights |