Shooting - Rifle and Pistol


Entries will continue to be accepted until July 14. On-site registrations will be accepted.

Sport Info


Friday, July 18, 2025
7:00 p.m. - Indoor .22 Marksmanship Challenge

Sunday, July 20, 2025
12:00 p.m. - Youth Small Bore Rifle

Friday, July 25, 2025
7:00 p.m. - Indoor Modified PPC


Ammo Alley Sporting Center, 11562 County Road 395, Hartsburg, MO 65039. North of Jefferson City off Hwy 63. (573) 634-6196


$30 per Adult, $22 per Youth. If you are entering an additional class, there will be a $10 fee for each additional class. (Note: These entry fees include your required range fee.)


Entries must be postmarked or received via the internet no later than July 15. PRE-REGISTRATION IS STRONGLY URGED but on-site registration will be allowed.


All shooters must check-in at their appropriate competition site at least 30 minutes prior to competition. All check-ins must occur on the day of the competition.


Doug Alley, (573) 634-6196


Register Online: Show-Me State Games Online Registration - Rifle and Pistol


Register by Mail:  To enter by mail, please complete a Show-Me State Games entry form and mail it along with payment to:

Show-Me State Games
1400 Rock Quarry Rd, Entrance 5
Columbia, MO 65211



Match Format

Indoor .22 Marksmanship Challenge

  • .22 cal. long rifle only. Production firearms only, handgun and rifle. Local range rules apply.
  • Equipment divisions; Open sights and scoped (both handgun and rifle must match in the application of scoped and/or open sights)
  • Match will consist of 80 rounds.
  • Targets will consist of (2) single sheet with five 6 ½” targets with a 2 ½” bullseye.   (One target sheet for handgun and one target sheet for rifle.)
  • Course of fire: Participants will start with whichever firearm (handgun or rifle) they choose, addressing the starting target from a low ready position, at the audible signal will complete the course of fire indicated below.
    • First string - Participant will fire 2 rounds at each bullseye, lay their empty firearm on the bench, move to the next station pickup the next firearm and fire 2 rounds at each bullseye, within a 30 second par time at a distance of 30 feet.
    • Second string - Participant will fire 2 rounds at each bullseye, lay their empty firearm on the bench, move to the next station pickup the next firearm and fire 2 rounds at each bullseye, within a 40 second par time at a distance of 45 feet.
    • Third string - Participant will fire 2 rounds at each bullseye, lay their empty firearm on the bench, move to the next station pickup the next firearm and fire 2 rounds at each bullseye, within a 50 second par time at a distance of 60 feet.
    • Fourth string - Participant will fire 2 rounds at each bullseye, lay their empty firearm on the bench, move to the next station pickup the next firearm and fire 2 rounds at each bullseye, within a 60 second par time at a distance of 75 feet.
  • Total rounds for each string is 20 rounds there will be sufficient time allotted between strings for reloading of magazines.

Modified Practical Pistol Competition

  • All competitors in this event must be 18 years of older!
  • 96 shots will be fired at various distances and times.
  • Distances and times will be determined by local range.  Local range rules will apply.
  • This competition is for stock guns without compensators, ports, optical sights or lasers. No Race Guns.
  • If 3 or more people with race guns attend, we will have an open class if time allows.
  • Semi-auto pistols or revolvers may be used. Holster and mag / speed loader holders required. Competitors will draw from holster.
  • Pistols must be caliber .380 or larger and in good repair. Dangerous firearms will be disqualified.
  • A total of 3 magazines or speed loaders will be required.

String #1

9 ft.
21 ft.
45 ft.
75 ft.
3.5 sec.
15 sec.
25 sec.
35 sec.
Two rounds, holster, repeat 3 times
Fire six rounds, reload, fire six more
Fire six rounds, reload, fire six more
Fire six, reload, fire six, reload, fire six


48 rounds total (Virginian Count, 10x penalty for each round over 48 total rounds.

String #2

9 ft.
21 ft.
45 ft.
75 ft.
2.5 sec.
12 sec.
20 sec.
25 sec.
Two rounds, holster, repeat 3 times
Fire six rounds, reload, fire six more
Fire six rounds, reload, fire six more
Fire six, reload, fire six, reload, fire six


Youth Small Bore Rifle - Doug Alley, Match Director

Competitors will be divided into three groups (6-9, 10-15, 16-18) and two equipment divisions (open sights- including peep sights and scoped division).   Immobilization jackets or shooting rests are prohibited.  Within each respective age division, competitors will shoot at three NRA A-36 targets placing one round in each bullseye on the target sheet (12 bulls on a sheet), shooting from three shooting positions (standing, kneeling, prone).  Scoring will be accumulative total of all three shooting positions.  Age groups will fire at the following distances:

Ages 6-9 open sights - 10 yards scoped - 15 yards
Ages 10-15 open sights - 15 yards scoped - 20 yards
Ages 16-18 open sights - 20 yards scoped - 25 yards


Other Rules

  • Competitors age is determined by their age on July 1 of the current year.
  • All shooters under age 18 MUST have adult supervision!!
  • NRA, and/or local range rules will govern the pistol events.
  • Range officer and match director may judge or appoint a panel to make decisions on rules or protests.
  • Entrants will hang and change or set targets if required.
  • Proper range discipline and safety rules will be observed at all times.  Violators will be disqualified and dismissed from competition.
  • Eye and ear protection is REQUIRED.
  • Awards to be determined by Lewis scoring system.

Event Codes

Event Code Event Name
SH100Indoor .22 Marksmanship Challenge - Open Sights
SH101Indoor .22 Marksmanship Challenge - Scoped Sights
SH188Modified Practical Pistol Competition
SH201Youth Small Bore Rifle - Open Sights
SH202Youth Small Bore Rifle - Scoped Sights
