
Entries will continue to be accepted until March 18. No on-site registrations will be accepted.

Sport Info




March 28-30, 2025


Most games will be played at:

Columbia Sports Fieldhouse
4251 Philips Farm Road
Columbia, MO  65201


  • $200 (3 game guarantee)


Entries will be accepted until March 18.


For more information, contact the Show-Me State Games office at (573) 882-2109.


Register Online: Show-Me State Games Online Registration - March Basketball Tournament.


Register by Mail:  To enter by mail, please complete a Show-Me State Games entry form and mail it along with payment to:

Show-Me State Games
1400 Rock Quarry Rd, Entrance 5
Columbia, MO 65211




  • All teams must check in at least 30 minutes prior to their first scheduled game time at the location of their first game.  Any team members who have not turned in a signed waiver must do so at this time or they will not be allowed to play.


  • Games will be played at various locations around Columbia.  Maps are located at the tournament desk at all sites.  If you have any questions, please ask one of the tournament coordinators.  Please pay attention to no parking signs on the MU Campus. Campus police will issue parking tickets for violations.
  • All spectators aged 18 and over will be charged an admission fee at the sites ($10 for a weekend pass).  Upon paying the admission fee, they will be given a card they must show each time they enter any facility, therefore admission will only be charged one time the entire weekend.
  • A team’s age division is determined by the highest grade of any team member. For example, a 6th grader CANNOT play on a 5th grade team.
  • A player may only play on one team during the tournament regardless of division.
  • Any coach with more than one team in the tournament MUST have an alternate coach for either team due to possible scheduling conflicts.  Games will not be scheduled around coach’s conflicts.
  • Each team must furnish a worker for the table.  One team will keep track of the scoresheet, the other will run the clock.
  • Team uniforms must have numbers.
  • Medals will be awarded for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place in each division.
  • Official Tournament Brackets will be posted at each site.  Please check these upon arrival.
  • Show-Me State Games shirts & other souvenirs will be available for purchase at the event.


  • For 3rd / 4th / 5th / 6th Grade teams, games will be (16) minute halves.  For 7th / 8th /9th Grade teams, games will be (18) minute halves.
  • All games will use a running clock with the following exceptions:  The clock will stop on all timeouts, injuries and any other time deemed necessary by the official.
  • In addition, the clock will stop for all normal violations the last 2 minutes of the game.
  • 1st overtime will be 2 minutes with clock stoppage according to Missouri State High School Rules.  2nd overtime will be sudden death.
  • If at any point during the game, a team takes a 20 points lead or more we will play the “MERCY RULES”, meaning the clock will continuously run until the half or game expires.  The clock will only stop on official time-outs, injury, or any other time deemed necessary by the officials.  No Pressing.


  • Teams are allowed three (3) time-outs per game.  Time-outs will not carry over to overtime.  Teams will be allowed one time-out each overtime.


  • 7th, 8th & 9th grade boys teams will use the standard men’s ball.  All other division (boys and girls) will use the smaller 28.5” basketball.  Teams must furnish their own basketballs for warm-up and games.


  • Teams in the 3rd grade division will be required to play man-to-man defense at all times, even on out-of-bounds plays.  No zone.
  • Pressing will not be allowed in the 3rd grade division except for the last 2 minutes of the game.
  • 2nd / 3rd grade teams will shoot free throws from a 12' line and must stay behind the line.


  • Any player or coach receiving 2 technical fouls will be ejected for the remainder of the current game and will not be allowed to play/coach during the next scheduled game.


  • For advancement to the finals, ties will be broken by
    1. Win/Loss record
    2. Head to Head
    3. Average point spread of all games played (max. of 15 points per game)
    4. Fewest points allowed
    5. Coin flip
  • In cases where 3 teams are tied with the same record, the tie-breaker process will not revert back to the beginning once a team has been eliminated.

Event Codes

Event Code Event Name
JH0013rd Grade Boys (March)
JH0023rd Grade Girls (March)
JH0054th Grade Boys (March)
JH0064th Grade Girls (March)
JH0095th Grade Boys (March)
JH0105th Grade Girls (March)
JH0136th Grade Boys (March)
JH0146th Grade Girls (March)
JH0177th Grade Boys (March)
JH0187th Grade Girls (March)
JH0218th Grade Boys (March)
JH0228th Grade Girls (March)
JH0259th / 10th Grade Boys (March)
JH0269th / 10th Grade Girls (March)
JH029High School Boys (March)
JH030High School Girls (March)