
Entries will continue to be accepted until July 9. No on-site registrations will be accepted.

Sport Info


July 19-20, 2025

U7 (2018)
U8 (2017)
U9 (2016)
U10 (2015)
U15-U16 (2010-2009)
U17-U19 (2008-2006)
Adult Men's Open / Women's Open
Men's Over 40

July 26-27, 2025
U11 (2014)
U12 (2013)
U13 (2012)
U14 (2011)
Men's Over 30
Men's Over 50
Adult Coed


Cosmo Park, 1625 Business Loop 70 West, Columbia, MO


  • U6 / U7 - $375
  • U8 - $425
  • U9 - U10 - $500
  • U11 - U12 - $525
  • U13 - U19, Over 30 - $550
  • Coed, Women's Open - $525
  • Men's Open - $575
  • Over 50 - $425


Last possible day to register for age groups on July 19-20:  July 9
Last possible day to register for age groups on July 26-27:  July 16


ALL TEAMS MUST CHECK-IN AT LEAST 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO YOUR FIRST GAME. Check-in will be held at Cosmo Park – Soccer Central Tents. Soccer Central is just behind the main concession stand near the soccer field #7 at Cosmo Park. YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PLAY IF YOU HAVE NOT CHECKED IN.

Check-in will only open on Saturday, beginning at 7:00 a.m.  You will not be able to check-in Friday night.

We recommend that you give yourself plenty of time before your first game in order to register and be at your game on time.  We recommend that only the coach come to register their team.  Items needed for registration will be as follows:

    • Each player on the team will need a signed entry form / waiver if they have not already been mailed to our office.
    • Team Roster. If you have not submitted your roster to our office, this can be done when you check-in prior to you first game.  Rosters cannot be changed once the tournament begins.

The official roster will stay with tournament officials and be used at pre-game inspection by the field marshals.


Chris Miller
Darlene Moore

For rules questions, please contact Chris or Darlene at the phone numbers listed above. For information on your registration or schedule, contact the Show-Me State Games office at 573-882-2101.


Register Online: Show-Me State Games Online Registration - Soccer


Register by Mail:  To enter by mail, please complete a Show-Me State Games entry form and mail it along with payment to:

Show-Me State Games
1400 Rock Quarry Rd, Entrance 5
Columbia, MO 65211


SMSG reserves the right to combine age groups if necessary.  In some cases it is necessary in order to form a bracket for competition.



Soccer Tournament - Rules and Regulations

General Information:

  • The SMSG officials, soccer commissioner, and district coordinators reserve the right to bracket teams based on the knowledge and skill level.
  • Players must be able to show proof of age and/or residence if asked by a game official.
  • USSF rules will be in effect.
  • The Show-Me STATE GAMES are endorsed by the United States Soccer Federation (USSF).  These soccer games are considered acceptable games to officiate for the purpose of Olympic Development, and registered USSF Referees will be given credit as per the standard system.  FIFA’s Laws of the Game, with the exception of number of substitutes and duration of the game, as applied by USSF are in effect.

Schedules / Weather Policy

Due to weather and unforeseen circumstances, schedules may change. Every effort will be made to play all games, but field conditions and weather may force changes to the schedule.  Weather situations will be handled in the following manner:

  • Lightning - All competition will be stopped immediately. All participants and spectators must seek appropriate shelter.  In general, competition will restart 30 minutes after last lightning strike.
  • Rain/Wind - Competition will be stopped if conditions of field could lead to injury to participants and/or damage to facility.
  • Heat - Upon the recommendation of University of Missouri Healthcare, mandatory water breaks will be added throughout the games.  Also, games may be shortened in length and running clocks may be used where applicable.  This is for the safety of not only the players and spectators but also the referees.
  • In all cases of inclement weather, our first priority is human safety.  Please check with the soccer commissioner to find out when competition resumes.  You can also visit our website at, or call the Show-Me State Games office at (573) 882-2101.

General Rules:

  • U6 and U7 will have the following rules in addition to the standard FIFA Laws of the Game.  These are enumerated below:
    1. Games will be played six vs. six players; this includes the goalie.
    2. No off-sides will be called.
    3. All fouls result in an “Indirect Kick”.
    4. All free kicks are “Indirect”.
    5. No indirect kicks shall be taken by the attacking team within the defending team’s goal box.
    6. Opponents must be 6 (six) yards away on the start of play, corner kicks, and indirect kicks.
    7. At the U6-U7 level a single coach is allowed on the field per team. The role of the coach on the field is to encourage players and to help restart the game in dead ball situations such as throw-ins. The coach should not interfere with the play by following the ball or the players too closely.  The coaches should not dictate plays or instruct the players as to exactly where the ball should go now and to whom.  They are simply there to encourage players and facilitate the flow of the game. All players and coaches will adhere to the referees decisions (this includes being asked to step off the field and coach from the sideline if the referee feels that your field presence is inappropriate).
  • U8 will have the same rules as U6 and U7 with the exception that games will be played 7 vs. 7.
  • U9, U10 will play with the standard FIFA Laws of the Game, except that games will be played 7 vs. 7.
  • U11, U12 will play with the standard FIFA Laws of the Game, except that games will be played 9 vs. 9.
  • Over 40, Over 50 and Adult Coed will play with the standard FIFA Laws of the Game, except that games will be played 8 vs. 8.
  • Over 40, Over 50 and Adult Coed, there will be no slide tackling.  Contact made during a slide tackle will result in a red card.
  • Adult women will play 8 vs 8.  Adult men will play 11 vs. 11.
  • Offsides will also be called in the Over 50 division.
  • Coed teams must have one-half of the field players male and one-half female.  When fielding an odd-number of players, the odd player may be of either sex.  Substitutions must maintain the balance between male and female players.  A forfeit will be declared if a team fails to have at least four fielded players.  A team will be disqualified after two forfeits.
  • Unlimited substitution(s) will be allowed in all age divisions at the discretion of the referee.


  • Use of shin guards is mandatory for all games.
  • Toe cleats are not allowed.
  • Home team is listed first on the schedule.  It is the responsibility of the home team to change uniforms in case of conflict and asked by a game official.  Each team should bring two sets of numbered shirts (each set a different color).
  • All players must have permanent numbers on their jerseys.


  • During the games, only the coach, assistant coach, trainer and rostered players may be on team benches.  All other parents and spectators will be seated on the opposite side of the field where possible.

Playing Times and Ball Sizes:

  • Home team is responsible for providing game balls (2 per game).
  • U6 & U7 will play (4) 12 minute quarters, (with 2-minute breaks between quarters) except for a 10-minute halftime. Will play with size #3 ball.
  • U8 through U12 will play (2) 25 minute halves with a 10 minute halftime.  Will play with a size #4 ball.
  • Over 50 will play (2) 25 minute halves with a 10 minute halftime.  Will play with a size #5 ball.
  • Adult Men’s Open and Adult Women’s Open will play (2) 40 minute halves with a 10 minute halftime.
  • All other age divisions will play (2) 30 minute halves with a 10 minute halftime.  Will play with ball size #5
  • There will be NO overtime except for semi-final and championship games.  The outcome of these games will be determined by (2) 5 minute periods to completion.

Roster Information:

  • A player must be on your official roster in order to be eligible to play in the SMSG competition.  Players may not be added to your roster once the tournament begins.
  • A player may not enter or play on more than one team on one weekend.
  • Coaches associated with more than one team are encouraged to have alternates available to coach the team(s) when schedule conflicts arise; schedule variations will not be made to accommodate these coaches.
  • A maximum of 18 players and 1 coach are eligible to receive medals and t-shirts (U6 & U7-a maximum of 12 players and 1 coach).  Actual awards will be based on the official roster received at check-in for the medal presentation.  Medals will only be awarded by official presentation staff on venue site, with rostered coach’s signature required.  Deviation from this will require the written authorization of the Soccer Commissioner.


  • Standings will be determined by the following point system: 6 points for a win, 3 points for a tie, 1 point for a shutout, and 0 points for a loss.
  • Forfeits will be recorded as a 3-0 win for the team present.
  • Teams must be present with at least the minimum number of players required to play a game within the time limitations, even if they know the opposing team will be forfeiting.
  • A 0-0 tie will be recorded as a tie and shutout for each team.
  • One (1) point will be removed from a team’s point standings total for each red card issued against a member of said team.  This rule also covers players, coaches (head and assistants) or anyone located within team’s bench area.  Persons who receive a red card MUST immediately leave the park, and are not allowed to for the team’s next game.
  • *** Please note that for 3 team pools, only games played within the pool will count towards pool advancement.

Tie-Breakers / Pool Advancement

  • When bracket winners for regular semi-final berths, wild-card semi-final berths, medal winners (in one bracket division after round-robin play) or bronze medal winners after semi-final play cannot be determined by point totals, the following rules will be used (in order given) to break ties:
    1. Head to Head competition (skipped if teams did not play one another)
    2. Highest goal differential (maximum 3 per game)
    3. Fewest goals allowed
    4. Most shutouts
    5. Most goals scored (maximum 3 per game)
    6. Shootout/Penalty kicks (held 30 minutes before the next scheduled games, or agreed time)


  • Forfeit will be declared if a team fails to have the required number of players on the field seven minutes after the scheduled time, or at any time during the game unless ruled otherwise by the soccer commissioner.
  • Deliberate forfeiture of a match may be cause for disqualification from the GAMES.  A team may be disqualified after two forfeits.
  • If a team is disqualified for any reason, all of its scheduled games will be recorded as forfeits regardless of whether these games have already been played.
  • If both teams fail to show up for a game, it will be declared a double forfeit and neither team receives points.  The minimum required number of players to play a game need to be present at all tie breaker shootouts or forfeit will be declared.


  • Players ejected from a match MUST LEAVE THE FIELD AREA and are ineligible to compete in the next scheduled game; this includes semifinal and final matches.
  • Continued disruptive behavior will result in the individual being removed from the park and may cause their team to forfeit the game.
  • Players may be ejected for the remainder of the tournament for extremely violent or vulgar behavior.


  • Disputes will be settled by the Show-Me STATE GAMES Soccer Commissioner.  All decisions of the referees, with regard to facts and the Laws of the Game are final, and appeals with regard to such matters will not be heard.  All other disputes will be settled by a protest committee, but must be filed in writing with the site manager at the official’s tent at venue where the game took place.
  • The protest form must be filed within 30 minutes after completion of protested games by the coach and accompanied by a fee of $100.00 cash.  This deposit will not be returned unless the protest is upheld by the protest committee.  Dispute forms will be available during the tournament from tournament officials.
  • It is the responsibility of the coach to check standings, scores, posted information and other tournament communications at the official’s tent at venue where games take place.  It is the responsibility of the team coaches to the check score and sign the official referee’s game card at the completion of each game.
  • All General Rules and Regulations as listed in the Show-Me STATE GAMES Entry Book will be enforced.

Event Codes

Event Code Event Name
SC001U 6 Boys (2019 Birth Year)
SC002U 6 Girls (2019 Birth Year)
SC003U 7 Boys (2018 Birth Year)
SC004U 7 Girls (2018 Birth Year)
SC005U 8 Boys (2017 Birth Year)
SC006U 8 Girls (2017 Birth Year)
SC009U 9 Boys (2016 Birth Year)
SC010U 9 Girls (2016 Birth Year)
SC013U10 Boys (2015 Birth Year)
SC014U10 Girls (2015 Birth Year)
SC017U11 Boys (2014 Birth Year)
SC018U11 Girls (2014 Birth Year)
SC021U12 Boys (2013 Birth Year)
SC022U12 Girls (2013 Birth Year)
SC025U13 Boys (2012 Birth Year)
SC026U13 Girls (2012 Birth Year)
SC029U14 Boys (2011 Birth Year)
SC030U14 Girls (2011 Birth Year)
SC035U15 / U16 Boys (2010/2009 Birth Year)
SC036U15 / U16 Girls (2010/2009 Birth Year)
SC037U17 - U19 Boys (2008 - 2006 Birth Year)
SC038U17 - U19 Girls (2008 - 2006 Birth Year)
SC043Over 30 Men (by 12/31/1995)
SC044Over 40 Men (by 12/31/1985)
SC045Over 50 Men (by 12/31/1975)
SC046Coed - Adult
SC051Adult Men's Open
SC054Adult Women's Open