Month: January 2019

Don’t miss one of the largest NASP tournaments in Missouri!
The Show-Me State Games is excited to announce the 2nd annual MoNASP Archery State Qualifier! The Missouri National Archery in the Schools Program (MoNASP) is designed to help build strong, confident and accomplished youth. The Show-Me State Games has partnered with the Missouri Department of Conservation to host the 2nd annual MoNASP State Qualifier on … Continued
New Hip Offers Pain-Free, High-Quality Life
Mary Mason is an athlete who enjoys a bevy of exercises. Several years ago, she and her husband moved to Linn Creek near the Lake of the Ozarks so they could spend their days waterskiing. Her desire to stay fit took a serious turn in 2013 when she experienced a brain aneurysm. Surgery kept her … Continued

Accomplish your New Year’s Resolution with SMSG
With a new year, comes the tradition of making a resolution to achieve personal goals or improve some aspect of your life. According to a survey by Inc., this year’s top 10 resolutions in order are: 1. Diet or eat healthier 2. Exercise more 3. Lose weight 4. Save more and spend less 5. Learn a … Continued
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